Key Features:
- Advanced Rife Frequency Technology: The BCX Ultra Deluxe harnesses the power of Royal Rife’s revolutionary discovery, leveraging precise frequencies to target and eliminate harmful pathogens, parasites, and toxins within your body.
- Comprehensive Health Goals: Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic pain, bolstering your immune system, or looking to detoxify your body, the BCX Ultra Deluxe Rife Machine helps to reach your health goals
- User-Friendly Interface: No need to be a tech expert – the BCX Ultra Deluxe comes with an intuitive interface that makes operation a breeze. Easily select and customize your sessions, ensuring a seamless and personalized experience.
- Enhanced Durability: Crafted from premium materials, the BCX Ultra Deluxe Rife Machine is built to withstand the test of time. It’s a long-term investment in your well-being.
- Versatile and Portable: Enjoy the convenience of using the BCX Ultra Deluxe at home or while traveling. Its compact and lightweight design allows you to take it with you wherever you go, ensuring your wellness journey never hits a roadblock.
- (Due to worldwide disruption, the manufacturer will require more time to ship)!! 3-year warranty
- The most purchased machine on the market!!
- We offer the most extensive and personalized support (ask us how) for you and your situation. No matter night or day, we understand how important your health is, and will do our best to assist you.
“I purchased three BCX ultras, for myself, my brother, and my father. I’ve witnessed tremendous BCX-related health benefits not only in my own family members, but also in my Lyme disease patients at Envita Medical Center. I’ve incorporated the BCX Ultra into our comprehensive Lyme disease treatment protocol, which typically involves intravenous and oral antibiotics for six weeks or more. In my estimation, the BCX Ultra (used privately at home, of course) is critical to eradicating Lyme disease after patients have completed the extensive IV and oral antibiotic regimen. It’s amazing and, at the same time, gratifying. I routinely have patients inform me how much better they feel after extended private use of the BCX Ultra at home. My brother has been using the BCX Ultra for Lyme disease and chronic fatigue syndrome virtually every other day for almost seven months with marked improvement. Clinically, I would estimate that his overall improvement is approximately 60%, which is remarkable, given the fact that he has had chronic fatigue syndrome and probable Lyme disease for almost ten years.” – Brent Robert Korn, D.O., Envita Medical Center
- Metal Footplates
- Ray Tubes
- Brass Hand Cylinders
- Sticky Patches
- Power Supply
- User Manual
- Frequency List
Over the past twenty-five years, Whitman Technology has emerged as the leader in technological design and development of high performance frequency devices. As the longest producing rife machine manufacturer in the business, Whitman Tech continues its tradition of perfection in engineering with our BCX ULTRA DELUXE, the finest instrument on the market. This is a professional, clinical model, created with the health professional in mind, and equally adaptable for home use. It has a design package of many extraordinary features not available in any other unit worldwide, and yet is very competitively priced. See for yourself why the BCX ULTRA is the first choice in frequency instruments of clinics and health care providers around the globe. Viruses bacterium can be eradicated, not affecting normal healthy tissue.
The rife technology is backed up by nearly 80yrs of research/experimentation and is often used for experimenting on pathogens alternative metabolic deficiencies like inflammatory disease, Herpes, Fungus, Candida, Migraines, Infections, Depression, organ deficiency, Fibromyalgia, Viruses, Chronic Fatigue. Made in USA. The BCX Ultra& rife is a bi-product of over 25 yrs of research, development manufacturing (USA made). Each year we spend thousands in research using the latest technology and this can be seen thru our wide variety of apparatuses, ease of use, and functionality yet allowing the flexibil ity to do advanced research. Our (BCX Ultra) approach to our unit designs is to use Royal Rife’s technology and build/add on taking advantage of the advancements in the latest technology.
If Royal Rife was alive today we believe his rife devices would not look like 1930’s or 1950’s technology but would have advanced along with newer technologies. Other’s philosophy is to mimic as close to possible Royal Rife’s technology. A perfect example is with digital technology we are now able to use different wave types to deliver frequencies. Square waves, commonly used in modern devices, could not be produced by the older equipment. The BCX Ultra rife machine uses RF carrier wave to piggy back or carry the audio frequency deeper in to the body. The BCX Ultra gives you the flexibility to change any settings for research and testing. The BCX Ultra uses both delivery methods induction conduction. A fundamental difference between the BCX Ultra and most other Rife type devices is the way that we generate waveforms.
How does it work?
The Rife Machine- A Bridge between the Past and the Future
In this modern world, with all the cell phone signals and electronic devices, we live in a sea of electromagnetic frequencies. Many of these frequencies bombard our electromagnetic fields, unbalancing our immune, neurological, and endocrine systems.
However, there is a science of electromedicine invented 80 years ago, which uses electromagnetic frequencies for healing. These are emitted by glass tubes with radiant plasma, the fourth state of matter after solid, liquid, and gas.
This wonderful invention is called the Rife Machine, named after its pioneer, Dr. Royal Rife, who invented this technology in the 1930s in San Diego, USA. He used the inventions of Nicola Tesla and a microscope he created to see living microbes and know which exact electromagnetic frequencies of his machine could exploit or devitalize various harmful microorganisms in the human body.
Using the specific frequencies of different microorganisms, Rife managed to cure several infectious diseases such as typhoid, tuberculosis, anthrax, meningitis, tetanus, syphilis, staphylococcus, influenza and E coli.
But he was not satisfied with these successes, because his obsession was to find the microbe that causes cancer. After years of searching for that microbe, he found two types of viruses that, when he injected them into rats, caused cancer in almost 100% of them. With that discovery he could focus his plasma beam on the tumor, with the exact frequency of the virus and thus managed to cure many cancer patients, including 16 patients with terminal cancer. Which is documented in the Mayo Clinic, USA in 1934.
After that success, Dr. Rife became a medical celebrity and the news appeared in many newspapers: the cure for all diseases had been discovered.
Unfortunately, Rife’s electromedicine, which was gaining popularity in several allopathic clinics, was an obstacle and competition for pharmaceutical companies and the American Medical Association (AMA). These institutions worked together to sabotage Dr. Rife and his machines by destroying his reputation, then putting him in jail and prohibiting the use of his machines by other doctors.
Thus, they made Rife’s machine and microscope disappear from medical history. This technology was forgotten for 60 years, until researchers discovered its original machines and notes hidden in the closet of the head of the AMA.
In the last 20 years, Rife technology has been reactivated; Now there are various forms of the Rife machine designed by engineers and researchers who have recovered the way of emitting exact frequencies, with the precision of modern electronic instruments.
As a healer, in my practice to support others to recover their state of health, I have had the opportunity to incorporate a modern Rife machine into my practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine and “biofoton” kinesiology diagnosis. This step in my practice has been the best blessing I could ever imagine.
The machine I use is a BCX Ultra, along with a plasma tube very similar in power and frequency range to the original Rife machine. In the work I do I use both the original frequencies that Rife left, as well as some modern frequencies of the DNA of microbes, which were found by a genetic biologist who based her research on the genomes of several species of microbes.
The results I have obtained using the Rife machine, along with the DNA frequencies, have been wonderful. I have supported the healing of patients with all four types of pathogenic microbes: bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. I have helped many patients eliminate harmful microorganisms such as E coli, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, amoebas, influenza, papilloma, parainfluenza, typhoid, herpes, candida, chickenpox, and several others from their system.
To diagnose what type of microbe the patient has, I use kinesiology, along with the “biophoton” emission system or the light emitted by acupuncture points on the body. Once I know what type of microbe the patient has, I apply the exact frequency of the microbe to destroy her DNA and eliminate it from the system.
Normally, when the frequency I apply is exact, with one or two treatments the microorganism is completely eliminated from the body. However, in very chronic cases, several treatments are needed, because it is very common for various microbes to infect different systems of the patient’s body, making their immune system weak.
On the other hand, there are specific frequencies to stimulate and regenerate organs, systems, and tissues; others that help raise defenses, increase hormonal production, regenerate ligaments, cartilage, skin, and nerves; improve liver and kidney function, as well as relax muscles.
I know that Dr Royal Rife would be very happy to know that his discovery was not lost to history and is now slowly becoming the medicine of the future.
With a 3-year warranty.
When you order the BCX Ultra Deluxe, you will receive: * The BCX Ultra unit with 100 to 240 volt universal charger * Two noble gas glass electrodes containing argon, krypton, xenon and neon (the maximum power output is 30 watts) * Metal platform electrodes * Metal hand cylinder electrodes * Sturdy carrying/storage case * Printed manual with complete operating instructions, therapy session lists and history of Rife technology, tube usage noble gases and much more.
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