Finca Luz Serena

Serene Light Gardens

Welcome to the online space of our beautiful project that was located in Tenerife from 2016 to 2023 and is now starting to grow new roots in the Vera Valley, central Spain. The project is supported by our non-profit association created in 2008.

Since 2008, we have been heartfully dedicated to implement and share about Permaculture and sustainable living, and promoting projects about sustainability, holistic self-development and spirituality, sovereignty and more with the vision of supporting the creation of “Ecovillages”.

Video of our values made during the Tenerife project (2016-2023)

The core aims of this project are:

To restore and give back to Mother Earth all the abundance that she so selflessly gives to us unconditionally.
To provide a reference of an environment where we can actually experience the life many of us dreamt of: in connectivity, synergy, harmony, and loving co-creation with Mother Nature, listening to her deeply to learn from her never ending wisdom, caring and learning from each other by working hand on hand towards our common goals, and embrace the fullness and abundance of life with heartfelt gratitude.
To empower people to be authentic, mindful, impeccable and self responsible, so we can co-create together a world that instills respect and devotion to all life at all levels.
To create the awareness, that even small changes in our lives can lead to a meaningful positive impact if we persevere in the right direction.

permaculture tenerife spain serene light gardens

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Or stay with us as a visitor or as a volunteer to support the project.

Every gesture is welcomed and highly appreciated.

After many learning processes: a 3-years experiment in a rented farm in Los Silos (2009-2012), a journey exploring and working in different projects in Brazil, Costa Rica, France, Portugal and the South of mainland Spain (2012-2014), an impressive regeneration and educational project in Bajamar, Tenerife (2016-2023) where 400 volunteers helped and more than 2000 visitors came and learned, we are now looking for a new place where we can join a larger team and not be the only guardians and caretakers. Any suggestions are welcome!

We felt the call to create a therapeutic and educational eco-center that will serve as a model and reference for a lifestyle integrated with our natural environment, as well as a research space where we can teach, learn and share with one another everything related to sustainable living.

Our vision of the future is of creative bioconstructive infrastructures that will enhance the place as an authentic work of art, including a botanical-artistic garden with a great variety of trees, shrubs and plants that will provide food, health, beauty and all kinds of useful materials in a system of ample biodiversity through the different strategies and techniques of Permaculture. Our goal with this educational center is to inspire from there the creation of sustainable areas so that other farms in the surroundings will be managed in a sustainable manner, stimulating diverse collaborative eco-projects, as well as the progress of society as a whole towards a more harmonious, conscious and responsible way of life.

If you want to know more about the project, take a look at the who we are section, or contact us through our website. If you are interested in coming to do SEVA (selfless service), please visit our SEVA page. For visiting you can directly have look at our vistors page. If you want to get the latest project updates, subscribe to our Newsletter at the bottom of this page and visit our Facebook page.

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Permaculture services we offer

If you want Permaculture advice, a Permaculture design for your garden/farm or organize a Permaculture course, visit our Permaculture services page.

You can contact us in any of the following languages:

Our Happy Clients!

"Lectus, nonummy et. Occaecat delectus erat, minima dapibus ornare nunc, autem."
Diana Burnwood
"Lectus, nonummy et. Occaecat delectus erat, minima dapibus ornare nunc, autem."
Jessica Foxx​
"Lectus, nonummy et. Occaecat delectus erat, minima dapibus ornare nunc, autem."
Lily Granger​

Our project promotes a lifestyle without the use of cannabis, tobacco, alcohol and any other drug.

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